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Testosterone Therapy with HGH Therapy: What to Expect

HGH Therapy with Testosterone Therapy

It is often said that youth is wasted on the young, and perhaps nothing is more to that point than the fact that hormone levels begin a slow decline often once a person settles into his or her life in the early thirties. This is the time when career and family life tend to come together in a manageable and enjoyable way, only to have one’s own body start to work against him or her. This is when some people turn to testosterone with HGH treatments to begin to feel like themselves again.

Testosterone and human growth hormone are two of the most potent chemical messengers in the body. Without them, most people would find themselves walking around in a perpetual fog, with joint pains, stiffness, fatigue, muscle loss, and a host of health problems looming on the horizon.

The production of these two hormones can decline for many reasons:

  • Genetics
  • Illness
  • Brain injury
  • Cancer or its treatment
  • Lifestyle
  • Medications
  • Age
  • Unknown factors

Separately, each of these vital hormones plays many different roles in the body, and understanding what to expect when testosterone therapy is combined with HGH therapy will help to improve productivity, drive, passion, performance, and overall life, in general. Some people are only diagnosed with one of these deficiencies while others find that both of these hormone levels require boosting.

When hormone specialists prescribe HGH and testosterone replacement therapy to combat growth hormone deficiency and Low T, their clients can expect to receive the following benefits:

  • Stronger bones and a reduction in joint pains
  • Improved muscle mass, strength, and flexibility
  • Better, deeper sleep at night
  • Increased energy and endurance
  • Enhanced libido and arousal
  • More powerful and longer lasting erections
  • Increased pleasure and orgasms

These are not the only benefits that come from using testosterone and HGH together. The next section will provide more of the joint effects that can be achieved by bringing balance back to these essential hormone levels.

Joint Effects of Testosterone Therapy and HGH Therapy

Many of the functions of HGH and testosterone overlap one another. For example, both hormones play a role in bone density, metabolism, muscle development, libido, brain functions, hair growth, and mood. What this means for a person with both deficiencies is a severe decline in all of these areas of the body – more so than if only one of the hormones was in short supply.

Treating these concerns by prescribing testosterone with HGH will bring about the following benefits besides the ones mentioned in the previous section:

  • Improved mental focus, functions, and memory
  • Stronger immunity and faster healing from injury and illness
  • Weight loss and better metabolic functions
  • Improved eyesight and night vision
  • Healthier heart rate and cardiac output
  • Increased red blood cell production
  • Lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels
  • Improved skin elasticity and reduction in sagging, appearance of cellulite, and wrinkles
  • Increased cellular regeneration
  • Improved internal organ size and function
  • Enhanced emotional stability, mood, and outlook
  • Increased drive, motivation, and productivity
  • Reduction or cessation of menopausal symptoms

The benefits of using HGH and testosterone therapy together for people who are diagnosed with both deficiencies often means that the positive effects arrive sooner than by using only one of these treatments by itself.

Maximizing HGH and Testosterone Therapy Benefits

Maximizing the benefits of taking testosterone with HGH therapy is up to each individual. In some instances, lifestyle choices of improper diet, lack of exercise, poor sleep, and high-stress levels have played a role in the development of accelerated hormone deficiencies. Treatment with HGH and testosterone can only go so far if the individual continues with these bad habits.

It is always recommended to watch what one eats, exercise regularly, get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night, and limit stress whenever possible. These factors will help the body with its own production of these vital hormones while maximizing the effects of the treatment.

Long-Term Effects of HGH and Testosterone Therapy

The long-term effects of HGH and testosterone therapy are not always foreseeable. There have not been any long-term studies on these treatments. One of the reasons why a person should only use testosterone and HGH under the auspices of an experienced hormone replacement therapy specialist is to reduce any possible adverse effects of treatment.

These doctors understand how to prescribe cycles of testosterone with HGH – something other general physicians do not have advanced knowledge of in their day to day practices. There are also other medications that must be given along with testosterone to prevent estrogen conversion from occurring, which could further offset the hormonal balance in the body.

To learn more about treating hormonal deficiencies with testosterone and HGH therapies, please contact the experts at National HRT for a free and confidential consultation.

Medically reviewed by   Reviewers National HRT Staff - Updated on April 5, 2018

Please note that the information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.