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Testosterone Therapy: What to Expect

Written by Author - Authors Medical experts of the National HRT Clinic - August 4, 2016

Testosterone Therapy

If you are one of the countless men or women diagnosed with Low T, you are probably wondering what you can what to expect from testosterone therapy. You already know that when you look in the mirror, you are not ecstatic with what you see. Perhaps you have gained weight, lost your chiseled lean muscle physique, or even noticed some height shrinkage. It is time to learn all there is to know about testosterone therapy – what to expect and when to anticipate the positive changes.

First of alldo not enter into this treatment with unrealistic expectations. You are not going to lose 30 pounds in 30 days or grow 3 inches. Sorry, testosterone therapy does not work that way. By knowing exactly what to expect with testosterone therapy, you will be pleasantly surprised with the changes you do see.

The Effects of Low T had taken months before they became noticeable to you. Thankfully, the benefits of testosterone therapy will not take years, although some will take months as increased testosterone goes to work helping your body on a cellular level in many cases. The Projected results reported here are based on research studies as well as our own clients’ experiences. If you are ready, let us now show you what to expect when Starting testosterone therapy.

Testosterone Therapy: The Early Results

Your first two months of treatment for Low T are considered the early stages. These changes may not be earth shattering or ground breaking, but they will have positive effects on your physical and mental well-being. As you are Starting testosterone therapy, what to expect from the early results of your treatment is important to know, as this is a benchmark for you to measure the effectiveness of the medication. Report any differences or lack of results to the doctor. In some instances, an increase or decrease in dosage may be required.

Here is what to expect after starting testosterone therapy during the first two months:

  • Stimulation of the Cerebral Cortex

In regards to what to expect from testosterone therapy, before the first month of testosterone treatment ends, most people recognize a decline in anxiety and aggression. They tend to feel more sociable, attentive, awake, and even creative thoughts see some stimulation. Feelings of depression and lack of motivation start to decline midway through the second month, although maximum results take months longer. Mental alertness and memory begin to reap rewards by the end of the first month, will further improvements continuing throughout the course of treatment.

  • Benefits to Health

Inflammation in the body is a stimulus for many health conditions. Testosterone therapy starts to decrease inflammation after approximately 3 weeks and continues to impact this area for up to 12 weeks.

Insulin sensitivity starts to improve within a few days of beginning testosterone treatment, but the effects may not be evident for up to 3 to 12 months.

The more you know about what to expect during testosterone therapy, the better able you will also be to make the best choices in your life. Testosterone impacts cholesterol and triglyceride levels. While some positive effects occur around the 4-week mark, maximum changes are seen between 6 and 12 months. You can help this along with proper dietary choices.

  • Physical Appearance

This is an area where knowing what to expect on testosterone therapy will make a huge difference. These are the tangible results you can see, such as a decline in body fat. Many people start to notice a change within the first 2 months, including a decrease in waist size. This process will continue to improve for the next 2 to 3 years.

Muscle size is the next area of testosterone replacement therapy and what to expect from this treatment. Some people start to notice a change after 1 month, but the effects will continue for at least 12 months after that.

  • Sexual Benefits

Feelings of desire and thoughts of fantasy are often seen by week 3 in both men and women. Improved vaginal lubrication and male erectile function begin around the end of the first month and continues to improve with the passing months. Most people report a general satisfaction with their sex life by the end of month 2.

Testosterone Therapy: What More to Expect


Other positive changes will still arrive in the coming months. Testosterone therapy will begin to have a beneficial impact on bone density after 6 months of treatment. Blood pressure levels start to decline between 3 and 9 months after starting treatment. Red blood cell production also increases by this point. PSA level improvement is also noted between months 3 and 12.

It is just as important to know what to expect after testosterone therapy as it is to understand what and when the treatment results will occur. Hormone replacement therapy specialists understand the need to ensure that the body continues to produce enough testosterone for its needs once treatment ends. There are specific medication protocols to follow at this time. If this is not done, then Low T effects could once again occur.

Ending testosterone treatment is a discussion for each person to have with his or her specialist. The goal is to maintain the level of wellness and vitality that has occurred from using testosterone therapy. Just as each person’s treatment is highly personalized, so will be the method of ending the use of supplemental testosterone. To learn more about what to expect after stopping testosterone therapy, as well as what you can personally anticipate from your treatment, speak with a hormone Specialist here at National HRT. We offer free consultations and affordable treatment options to men and women.

Medically reviewed by   Reviewers National HRT Staff - Updated on November 21, 2023

Please note that the information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.
