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How Effective Is Testosterone Enanthate In Increasing Libido?

Testosterone (T) may be the male sex hormone, but it is just as important for a woman who wants to ensure that her libido will stay active her entire life. Although a woman will not be prescribed testosterone enanthate like her male counterpart, she will be prescribed a testosterone cream to keep her amorous feelings going strong.

Restoring Libido with Testosterone

Impotence is a word no man ever wants to hear, much less say himself. Low testosterone can bring that fear to the front of one’s mind. Testosterone is not just a sex hormone.

There are still many other areas of the body that rely on this hormone for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The changes that can occur in these areas can also begin to affect how a man views himself, as well as his ability to perform in the bedroom.

Men who use testosterone enanthate injections get a boost in sexual desire and arousal while also reversing any signs of erectile dysfunction. Other symptoms of low T that can be dealt with a proper testosterone enanthate include the following:

  • Decreased sexual desire
  • Slow arousal
  • Loss of the morning erection
  • Difficulty achieving and/or maintaining an erection
  • Decreased stamina
  • Reduced orgasm

Diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels are all warning signs that a man might also have Low T.

The entire body plays a role in sexual performance. The muscles and bones work together to provide the movement that increases pleasure for both partners. The mind sends the critical signals that fuel desire and arousal in the first place.

If a man is tired due to lack of sleep, it is going to be difficult for him to feel amorous when all he wants to do is sleep. Depression is a powerful feeling that can destroy all happiness in one’s life.

Finally, weight gain and muscle loss can take away a man’s self-confidence when the image he sees in the mirror no longer matches how he believes he should look. This can also send one’s libido plummeting to the ground.

How long does it take for testosterone enanthate to increase libido?

Testosterone enanthate treatment prescribed by a doctor can help you to get improve sexual function within a few weeks after the start. Powerful, strong erections can return right along with endurance and pleasure.

Once a man enters his thirties, his testosterone levels start a slow descent that will continue throughout his life. The passionate stirrings he felt during his earlier years may begin to wane.

The average testosterone loss is 1% each year, however, some men can experience up to a 2% decrease in testosterone production each year. After ten years, this can equate to a 20% decline in testosterone levels.

It is never too late to make changes in your life. Even in the golden years of one’s life, it is still possible to receive testing for Low T and be diagnosed with a customized treatment plan of testosterone enanthate.

Blood analysis will show if there is a verifiable deficiency, but this is not the only determining factor of who would be considered a candidate for treatment.

There is still a wide discrepancy as to what is considered the normal range for testosterone levels and doctors are also using symptoms to determine who is a candidate for testosterone enanthate therapy.

A new romance can blossom at any age, and old loves can easily be rekindled. While the passion may be there, the body may be working against you in every way possible. Numerous studies are underway for testosterone therapy.

One recent study reported on Good Morning America showed that there were definite benefits for men over 65, including:

  • Boost libido
  • Improved sexual functions
  • Improved physical fitness
  • Better mood

If you are overweight, experiencing difficulty in the bedroom, and worried about any of the other symptoms mentioned earlier on this page, please contact National HRT to arrange for blood analysis at a nearby lab in order to determine if you are dealing with Low T.

We offer free consultations, confidentiality, affordable treatment options, and exceptional service to men and women throughout the US who are tired of dealing with the loss of vitality and libido that can accompany hormone deficiency.

Medically reviewed by   Reviewers National HRT Staff - Updated on March 19, 2023

Please note that the information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.