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Examining the Link between HGH and Diet

Written by Author - Authors Medical experts of the National HRT Clinic - October 16, 2015

HGH and diet go hand in hand, especially as adults get older. The body produces less human growth hormone, and that slows down the metabolism and increases weight gain. Once a person has reached the age of thirty, most of growth hormone’s work has been done – or has it? Research has shown that GH is not just for aiding height development. It plays a crucial role in metabolism, cellular regeneration, immunity, libido, brain functions, and much more. This means that it is essential to maintain proper levels of HGH throughout one’s lifetime.

What is most interesting about the HGH diet connection is how people can eat the same foods, get the same amount of exercise that they did in earlier years, and still gain weight as they age. This could all be due to a decrease in human growth hormone. Not only does it put excess fat on the body, but it also makes it even harder to lose it in later years. As excess body fat increases, lean muscle mass tends to decline. Remember – muscles also burn more calories that fat – further affecting this vicious cycle.

Another issue that can affect HGH and diet is carbohydrate intake at night. Eating carbs at night can raise blood glucose levels. This sends a message to the pancreas to secrete insulin into the bloodstream in order to shuttle the glucose to the body’s tissues. Insulin increases fat storage. When insulin is high, growth hormone is low. This, in turn, reduces muscle building and fat breakdown processes that occur during sleep – the same time that the body is counting on at least half of the day’s HGH production.

HGH is secreted by the pituitary gland during periods of deep slow-wave sleep at night, and in response to exercise, stress, and diet during the day. High-intensity exercise will stimulate pulsatile bursts of HGH during the daytime. Eating, however, can have an adverse effect. Frequent meals and snacking – the typical American diet – can inhibit the body’s release of HGH.

Is There an HGH Diet?

Does that make fasting a significant part of the HGH diet plan? Some scientific studies have found that by adhering to a strict, three-meal-a-day eating program, the body is provided with a better-suited environment for the secretion of growth hormone.

Of course, that does not mean going out and hitting an all-you-can-eat buffet three times a day. There is sensibility in what is required in terms of nutrition. One important fact to point out is that there is no such thing as an “HGH hormone diet” in terms of a tried and true legitimate weight loss plan. Adults who are overweight, and found to be deficient in human growth hormone, will be able to lose excess fat while gaining lean body mass over a six-month period of treatment.

It is not possible to go to a doctor and ask to be put on the HGH diet – it does not exist. Nor will a person be able to lose 30 pounds in 30 days. This is not that type of program. What is occurring is that the body is provided with an increase in human growth hormone to make up the difference of what is not being supplied by the pituitary gland. This will enable all corresponding functions requiring an appropriate amount of HGH to work efficiently.

Weight loss is just one aspect of this process, but it will not appear overnight. In fact, most people will not notice any change in fat mass for two to three months, and then the increase in lean mass and decrease in fat mass will continue at a gradual pace.

Does HGH Therapy Help Weight Loss?

Diet and Growth Hormone

Yes, HGH therapy does help with weight loss, although this is occurring at the molecular level as the metabolism starts to work at a better standard of functioning. There is no such thing as HGH diet drops or pills. There is also no strict menu to follow.

We are often asked if there are certain foods that can help stimulate HGH production in the body, and if so, could they be used as part of an HGH diet menu to help improve the effectiveness of this treatment?

The answer here is yes, there are ways of improving the effects of HGH therapy, and exercise and diet do play a role in this process. Limiting oneself to three meals a day without snacking in between may be beneficial.

Simple carbohydrates – such as white rice, white bread, pasta, and even baked goods can raise blood sugar rapidly. Whole grains and beans are a better type of carbohydrate for later in the day, as the insulin response is more gradual.

Although so-called HGH diets do not exist, the following foods – some eaten at particular times of the day – may offer some benefits:

  • Fava Beans – these L-Dopa containing beans can boost human growth hormone, testosterone, and dopamine production.
  • Grass-fed Beef – amino acids in lean grass fed beef is linked to HGH production.
  • Eggs – filled with essential amino acids, vitamins, and growth increasing peptides.
  • Beets – these alkaline vegetables help to balance the PH of the body while improving testosterone and human growth hormone secretion.
  • Whey Protein – used with weight resistance training, this twosome packs a powerful human growth hormone production punch.
  • Cheese – parmesan and other raw milk cheeses contain growth increasing peptides that stimulate HGH production. Make certain they are organic.
  • Yogurt – organic, unpasteurized yogurt is high in L-glutamine, an amino acid that can help with HGH production.
  • Pineapple – eat this fruit before bed to get its full benefits – increases in serotonin and melatonin that stimulate HGH.
  • Watermelon – this fruit which is high in L-Citrulline is converted into arginine in the body. Arginine increases HGH.
  • Goji Berries – this superfood is filled with nutrients to benefit hormone production.
  • Coconut Oil – one of the best oils for the body, coconut oil can increase HGH secretion.
  • Raw Chocolate – eat this before bed to increase tryptophan which stimulates sleep and the pituitary gland to produce HGH.
  • Raisins and Nuts – both high in L-Arginine to increase HGH and testosterone production.
  • Lemons – their alkalinity is also beneficial in the same way as beets.

No discussion about HGH and diet would be complete without reminding people to drink plenty of water each day. Water provides the necessary hydration to keep the body’s hormone system functioning the best it can.

The most important takeaway here is that diet can play a significant role in human growth hormone production, but if GH levels are already lower than needed for proper bodily functioning, HGH injection therapy will probably be necessary to jumpstart the body to optimum performance.

Hormone replacement specialists can provide insight into adults HGH levels through blood analysis. At National HRT, we offer this diagnostic testing, support, treatment, and help to men and women across the US.

Medically reviewed by   Reviewers National HRT Staff - Updated on November 21, 2023

Please note that the information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.