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How to Use Progesterone Cream

Written by Author - Authors Medical experts of the National HRT Clinic - August 31, 2016

Progesterone Cream Usage

The use of bioidentical progesterone cream should come following blood testing of a variety of hormone levels by a doctor with extensive experience in the field of hormone replacement therapy. Some women bypass this step and purchase their progesterone HRT from a store shelf or off the internet, but this can be detrimental if another type of hormone replacement is actually needed for health reasons.

When learning how to use progesterone cream, part of the deciding factors is going to be the reason for the treatment. Pre-menopausal women will have different needs than those who are post-menopausal, and treatment times will also vary accordingly.

Women who are still menstruating will apply their progesterone cream either once or twice a day, based on the doctor’s recommendation. This will usually start on day 12 following the first day of menstrual flow, and continue through day 26 or 28, depending on your doctor’s orders.

How do I use progesterone cream if I am already dealing with menopause symptoms or am post-menopausal? In these situations, treatment should be twice a day for a maximum of 25 days, followed by a five to six-day break. Again, the doctor will determine actual need. Many women start their treatment on the sixth day of the month and continue until the end of the month for consistency. Others choose to begin on day 1 and end on day 25. This helps to mimic the natural cycle of progesterone release from the ovaries.

Determining the Dosage of Progesterone Cream

Determining the exact dosage of progesterone cream is not as scientific as with other forms of hormone replacement. Because we are discussing transdermal skin preparations, there is also no way of knowing how much progesterone is entering the body. Most bioidentical progesterone creams from reputable companies guarantee that their formulations contain a specific amount of progesterone per ounce, often around 500 mg. The amount in a quarter teaspoon may vary from 20 mg to 25 mg.

Asking your HRT doctor how much progesterone cream to use is the ideal option. Premenopausal women may be instructed to use anywhere from 15 to 24 mg each day based on the cycle reported in the previous section. A woman who is already in menopause may be prompted to use between 15 and 20 mg per day.

Ultimately, results will be the deciding factor as to how much should be used long-term. It is important to note that progesterone will build up in the fatty tissues, and this can cause some problems for certain women. We recommend that women use their wrists, palms, neck, back of hands, chest, or inner forearm rather than the thighs or abdomen due to the decreased amount of fat storage in these areas. It is important to alternate areas used to avoid build-up in one spot.

Some women have looked to firm their facial skin with progesterone cream. How to use progesterone cream as a facial cream to try and improve firmness and appearance is by limiting its facial application to once every other day, alternating with other spots on the body. Some doctors also recommend application to the mucous epithelial membranes of the uterus or vagina as a viable option. Please discuss this with your HRT specialist before use.

When to Apply Progesterone Cream

Due to the relatively short half-life of progesterone cream, it is often best to split the doses into morning and evening. If you decide to try taking your application once a day, do it first thing in the morning. If symptoms start to appear later in the day, you will then know that splitting your dose in half will be the better option. Before bed usage often improves sleep for many people.

5 Easy Steps How to Use Progesterone Cream

Here are 5 easy steps that can help you determine the best way to use progesterone cream:

    1. For men: apply twice a day using between 10 and 100 mg of progesterone as directed by the physician.
    2. For women during the reproductive phase of life: use progesterone during the luteal phase of your cycle, from ovulation until menstrual bleeding begins.

Use between 100 and 200 mg of progesterone each day. Since menstrual cycles vary, it is important to know the normal length of your own cycle before starting progesterone therapy. For example, if your cycle averages 28 days, begin treatment on day 14. Over-the-counter ovulation kits can help you determine your ovulation day.

  1. For women dealing with perimenopause: use 100 to 200 mg per day to help regulate menstrual cycles and reduce symptoms.
  2. For menopausal women: it is especially important to use progesterone to offset an excess of estradiol that can lead to estrogen dominance. Use 100 to 200 mg a day – no cycling is necessary. You may notice a small bit of bleeding as the progesterone helps clean out the uterus.
  3. As a contraceptive: as with any method of birth control, there is no guarantee. Progesterone cream should begin 3 to 8 days before ovulation depending on cycle length. 100 to 200 mg a day should be used until menstrual bleeding occurs. Because stress can lower progesterone levels, keep this in mind when using progesterone cream as a contraceptive.

Women can apply progesterone either once a day or split the dosage into two applications – morning and night.

Hopefully this report has provided information as to how do you use progesterone cream, but if further guidance is required, please contact a hormone replacement specialist at National HRT for a free consultation and answers to your questions. We offer local blood testing throughout the US.

Medically reviewed by   Reviewers National HRT Staff - Updated on July 17, 2019

Please note that the information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.


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